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Baron Art Prize 2024


Baron Books Press Release

The Baron Prize is a biannual award that highlights emerging artists and photographers of any gender, age, or nationality working in any media. The prize invites emerging artists, photographers, and filmmakers to submit one work that explores Baron's core themes. The 2024 prize winner is Myrza de Muynck, a Dutch artist and designer.


Muynck's submission refers to the artworks as 'Naked Philosophers.' The pieces are primarily designed using cut-up garments and pieces of cloth immersed in a composition that exposes intimate and human characteristics, creating an anthropomorphic play. Garments are used as their medium and are bent into an image on a canvas, taking an exterior and cracking it open to reveal the insides. Delving into the profound intimacy of the human body, this work captures close-up, fragmented, isolated, and abstracted images that challenge conventional perceptions. What might initially be interpreted as pornographic transforms into a depiction of a sacred landscape. This approach invites viewers to reconsider the inherent beauty and sanctity of our physical forms, highlighting not only the details of our bodies but also the intertwining nature of sexuality. In response to the hyper-sexualized perceptions of our bodies and identities, this work emphasizes the delicate nature of our outward appearances. Myrza thoughtfully engages with 'ready-made' garments that hold significant personal meaning, often pieces she has cherished and worn for many years. The memories and experiences embedded in these garments, along with their unique wear and tear, contribute to a deeper narrative about identity and individuality. Baron would like to thank this year’s judges Benjamin Fredrickson, Pinar Yolaçan and Gab Bois.

Baron Books x

Document Journal

"Hope is not a form of guarantee, it's a form of energy"  

Crochet bra and Topsy Turvy Adam

Pictures by Douglas mac Arthur, Fashion Editor Alex Assil, Model Anouk Smiths


Co-lab with Kerhao Yin, crochet and knits sold at Dover street Market London and Barney's New York

Pictures by Theo Sion, Models Kiki Willems and Shivaruby

Bottega Veneta

Art works for Instagram 

Private commission Plato Atlantis Mc Queen

Framed original toile of Plato Atlantis collection Alexander Mc Queen
